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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene

ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Jüri TALVET, Estonia





Üks sajand pöörab end.

Ei pööra – nõnda aju

vaid mõtleb. Lumesaju

all kalmistule ununend


on losse, lapsi, vend.

Kas kuule lõpuks maju

uus sajand rajab? Taju

ei eita seda. Lend


ei katke veel, kui eel

rebeneb katki tund,

ahastab suu. Üks meel


hämaras põleb, und

ilm näeb meist, kes teel.

Siin Eestis sajab lund.






A century turns itself.

No it doesn’t — the mind

just thinks so.  Under snow

forgotten in the graveyard


are castles, children, a brother.

Will the new century build

houses on the moon?  Perception

doesn’t preclude it.  The flight


is not over yet, though before

the hour frays, a mouth

laments.  In the darkness


sight burns, the world

dreams us, we the fugitive. 

Here in Estonia it snows.



                                    (English translation by J. Talvet & H. L. Hix,


                                     from the book Of Snow, of Soul, Toronto: Guernica, 2010) 


Jüri TALVET, Estonia





Jüri TALVET was born in Pärnu (Estonia). A graduate of the University of Tartu (1972) and a PhD by Leningrad (St. Petersburg) University (1981), he chaired from 1992 to 2020 World / Comparative Literature program at Tartu University, where he also founded Spanish Studies. Today he is Professor Emeritus. In 2016 he was elected member of Academia Europaea. He has published in Estonian more than twenty books of poetry and essay. His books have appeared beyond Estonian in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, Japanese, Catalan and Greek translation.  For further data, see http://talvet.edicypages.com/en     


Aurelio Scaccia, Italy

"Tutto sembra tacere"


Tutto sembra tacere




Or la sera è scesa. Con l’oscurità

Tutto d’inverno sembra tacer d’intorno

Il fruscio s’ode dei passi nei fogliami

E insolite sensazioni si scoprono

Lungo lo stretto viale dei tigli dormienti

Dove la luna sbircia fra spogli rami

E strane creature illumina fra gli strami

Tu, o luna, sei la stella della memoria,

Bianco fuoco della notte

Che i sogni dell’uomo dipingi.

Chi sono i fantasmi di questa valle

Che con volti di bronzo

Nella notte camminano

Lungo questi antichi sentieri?

Perché essi sempre tornano a seguirmi

Quando ti guardo. o luna?


Ma in quei giorni in cui silente

È il cielo sopra di me e azzurro

Mi sento talvolta un bimbo

Che, coi versi degli uccelli

A cantare tento come posso:

Gorgheggio alle foglie

Per far sollevare il vento

Cinguetto ai fiori

Per far giungere la pioggia

Al fiume trillo per frenare la sua corsa.

Ma nessuno ascolta la mia voce

Le mie braccia più non abbracciano

E lungo i miei cammini deserti

Nei miei pasti solitari

Nei miei lamenti e nei miei pianti

Nella mia dimora nuda

Rimango a sognar della luna  

E silenziosi restano i miei canti.




                          Aurelio Scaccia



Aurelio Scaccia, nato in Sicilia, dal 1975 vive a Torino. Ha svolto sin dalla prima giovinezza attività pittorica. Nel 1980 aderisce al “gruppo di ricerca di poesia visuale” denominato “Antigruppo”. Nel 2008, dà alle stampe con il Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso S.p.A., la sua prima silloge, “FARINA DI PAROLE di un viandante in cammino”: composizioni realizzate fra il 2000 e il 2008, distribuita in forma privata. Nel 2010 pubblica la raccolta “Farine: Tentazioni e Suoni”, per la collana Nuove Voci del Gruppo Albatros-Il Filo S.r.l. e distribuito da Feltrinelli.  https://autori.poetipoesia.com/aurelio-scaccia/

Barbara Di Sacco, Italy

"Rapsodia furiosa di luna" / "La luna sul binario"


Rapsodia furiosa di luna


Allorché le mani lucide d’argento

nere di piombo, anelite invocano al sordo

a chi mossero critica, in che tempo o vento

alle porte della guerra.

Luna, in lacrime di madre

pallido volto dello sconcerto

tu par ferita, lì dove versi

il pianto del giudizio

sull’infame stirpe.

A te, lei grida

bocca truce dell’inferno

tanto maga e vaga di malia

la notte scura

senza la tua luce.

Tu possa tornare

nella canzone di primavera

in moto festante

nel giubilo fiero e nobile alla terra

luna severa e ghiotta d’amore.




La luna sul binario


Mi misero su quel treno, nel lontano1964

destinazione vita

un binario di due lunghe funi

saliva al cielo

da te, luna

per venire e tornare.

Nel mio viaggio

tutto scorreva dal finestrino

e tu, alta, eri lassù

sempre, rassicurante la notte.

Lì per me

coperta dalla tempesta

mentre il vento, spingendo le nubi

liberava la tua luce

attorno ai grandi occhi

sul volto trasognato e mistico.

Mi hai parlato in sogno, oh luna

con la faccia scura, diretta al cuore

io persa, ho chiesto il tuo amore, che mai mi hai negato.



Barbara Di Sacco





Barbara Di Sacco, poetessa italiana, nata in Toscana nel 1964.

La propria poesia, in versi liberi, descrittiva, narrativa, tratta vari argomenti, come

pace, natura, diritti umani e del pianeta, formulando un ricco tessuto di metafore.

Regalavamo Bellezza (Ecate Luna) https://amzn.eu/d/8nf1oHI








All internal voices squeak
and complain about a chilly night.

Armless and wingless,
endlessly simplified moon
from the sky
and spread itself
right in our garden.




Translated into English by Smiljana Piksiades




This virtuoso of Slovak literature, Pavol Janik, is a poet, dramatist, prose writer, translator, publicist and copywriter. His literary activities focus mainly on poetry.  His works are translated in many languages and published in different countries.



Harley White, USA/Spain

"How Shines the Moon"



How Shines the Moon


How comes the moon to shine on high?—

a simple query, so it seems…

Yet though its glow can light the sky,

from where arise those silver beams?

Do we imagine gleaming rays

from self-illumined orb of night

still visible through sunlit days

as drifting earthly satellite?

Albeit a deceptive view

as Parmenides suspected,

mirrors may catch with brilliance true

even radiance reflected.

When Armstrong from Apollo probe

stepped out on ground with grayish tint,

we spied the craters of that globe

along with astronaut footprint.

The moon cannot give off the sheen

of all the sunlight it receives,

for most that falls upon that scene

its regolighic surface thieves.

And what about the face we see

during a lunar crescent phase,

while slivery as it can be

amidst its ever-changing ways?

The rest in ashen glow is lit

by earthshine to that orb we give.

So we spot more than glossy bit

through rebound rays from where we live

that then bounce back to us again.

Its far side, long a mystery,

was photographed on spacecraft, when

the Luna 3 made history.

This abiding lamp nocturnal

glimmers in the darkness dreary,

through our joy or grief infernal,


guiding souls forlorn and weary.

Moonstruck dreamers through the ages

gazed with wonderment up above,

filling endless lyric pages

with euphonious songs of love.

That pearly visage dear to us,

does science take away its thrill

by making matters clear to us?

So much is known already… still

with poesy of clair de lune

we mortals rhapsodize the moon.


~ Harley White





Harley White is a born word-lover and has written works dealing in fairy tales, musical theater, many genres of poetry, and awakenings, as well as a book titled The Autobiography of a Granada Cat – As told to Harley White.  For many years, she has been a follower of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and its practice of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.  Some websites are the following…



Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna, Kyrgyzstan

"The Moon"





I admire looking at you,

And I pick up the sounds.

After all, I live loving you

I sing and admire.

You light up the world,

I melt from the beauty,

The whole ether is full of you,

You are a golden maiden.

I see an uncountable swarm of stars,

They cannot be compared to you.

Anyway, the fight is unequal,

Let them accept their fate.

I praise you endlessly,

Guide me,

Don't look away from your eyes,

Don't hide behind the mist.

Sometimes you'll go behind the clouds,

Are you playing hide-and-seek with me

And I'm running to you, you're waiting,

We're playing catch-up.

You are the queen among the stars,

the princess of this night,

Girlfriend, it just so happened,

That she is inseparable from the sun.

You have a big role to play –

Witness the night.

You and the sun have been together since ancient times

Be radiant – lights.

Do you see the sufferers of the earth

And all lovers too.

Good luck was promised to all of us,

Be kinder, not stricter.

You're an eyewitness to everything,

Laughing, you often joke,

People won't hide anything,

Sometimes you'll have a conscience.

Be close to lovers, moon,

And sprinkle on the light!

Be far from the wicked,

Or hide without an answer.



Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna



Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna was born on July 12, 1968 in the village of Kok-Zhar in the Nookat district of the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan.

Eralieva Umutkan is a poet, writer, publicist. Author of ten books.

Awarded the medal "Icon of Peace" of the Institute of Peace in Nigeria (Abuja) (2022).



Kang, Byeong-Cheol, Korea

"Moroccan Moonlight"


Moroccan Moonlight


In the land where the sun sets,

The moon rose high in the Sahara night,

A serene and incomparable beauty spreads across the desert.

Unlike the moon rising over the mountains of Korea,

But I still feel calm under the same moonlight.


Families gather under the bright full moon in Korea,

In Morocco, merchants ride camels under the moonlight,

Under that shining grace, people unite,

Sharing precious moments with family,

With friends and lovers.


Humanity learns about natural cycles from the moon,

Koreans say that the full moon is destined to become a crescent moon.

Moroccans say that if there is no moon at night,

Life will be darker and lonelier.


Moroccan night, quiet desert night,

Somewhere, people raise guns against people

A world where cries of anger echo

Even in sad situations where the darkness is darker

Although we have different histories and experiences, the human heart is the same,

The desire to see the moon peacefully with family, friends, and lovers


The moonlight of the Sahara still shines in my heart

Quiet and peaceful moonlight


Kang Byeong-Cheol




Poet Mr. Kang Byeong-Cheol is a Korean author, poet, translator, and holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Political Science. He has published three collections of short stories, three poetry collections, and has won four literature awards, having authored over eight books in total. Additionally, he served as a member of The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International from 2009 to 2014. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Secretary General of the Jeju Unification Education Center. Moreover, he works as an editorial writer for Jeminilbo, a newspaper in Jeju City, Korea. Currently, he holds the position of Vice President at The Korean Institute for Peace and Cooperation.

Eloisa Ticozzi, Italy





Nella notte il buio avvolge

spazi rimpicciolendoli,

seduce gli occhi per condurli all’infinito,

reprime ogni sentimento con distacco.


Vorrei rubare la luna,

incastrata e preziosa nell’universo,

assicurata nel luogo noto fra i suoi pianeti,

assediata dalla nostra contemplazione e venerazione,


la luna è femminilità d’archetipo,

creata nel big bang distratto da altre forme d’esistenza,

-convive col sole e con l’insonnia in origine-,

predilige la metafisica e la logica,

la cultura del sonno e dell’inconscio,

il perdurare del seme sulla terra con l’orgoglio della divinità,

-asseconda la fertilità della progenie e dell’intelligenza-,


la nostra anima proviene dai suoi crateri che divorano gas

e dall’immaginazione della sua luce.


Eloisa Ticozzi 





Eloisa Ticozzi è una poetessa milanese nata nel dicembre 1984. Ha scritto dei libri e delle antologie,

alcuni dei quali tradotti. Ha avuto varie menzioni e riconoscimenti in concorsi (Lorenzo Montano,

Internazionale Indipendente, Pomezia, Carrera e altri). Si è laureata in Medicina e Chirurgia

all’Università Statale di Milano nel 2021. Ha svolto studi in ambito psicologico.


Kim Bonseo, Korea

"Hang the spring moon"



Hang the spring moon


A corner of the sky is cut out

and the spring breeze blows in and out,

allows it to create floral patterns


He may have dark eyes at night,

It would be perfect to hang a bright spring moon.

Colorless longing gathers the energy of memories,

offer fire rituals


Cut the long-frozen language into pieces and put it in an earthenware vessel,

and brew bitter water,

The uneven language sank like sediment.

Spring comes to me at an old pace,


I keep laughing

I learned that when spring comes,

flowers bloom on people's bodies too.

Flowers bloom as warm as the moonlight


Kim  Bomseo





Poetess Ms. Kim Bomseo, whose real name is Kim, Mi-hee, was born in Boryeong, South Chungcheong Province, in 1968. She holds a master's degree from Hallym University's Graduate School of Social Welfare. Currently, she serves as the Vice President of the Korean Association of World Literature. In 2019, she was honored with the 19th Quarterly Literary Sensitivity Award for New Writers. She has authored three poetry collections.

Eva Lianou Petropoulou, Greece







I believe stars are prayers,

we say since we were children

Man, always looking up at the moon as it is his great desire


Moon and stars always shine in the dark,

They have a power to give us hope and comfort,

In our lonely lives,

I believe the stars are born with the newborns,

And they are the spiritual guides of the human,

One day we will all shine and make our dreams true,

Then we will become also stars ... 


EVA Petropoulou Lianou, Greece



EVA Petropoulou Lianou Is a Greek awarded author children literary and poet. She has studied journalism. she has won several awards and several Literary Doctorate. She has published 20 books. She is member of International Association of Artist and authors Greece President of Mil Mentes Por Mexico association International, Greece. Présidete of Global UHE Peru, Greece.